The general services accessed through the ARBIMS portal are the following:
1. Publication of biodiversity datasets
On the ARBIMS portal, species and occurrence biodiversity data is published using GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). This way, the data published through the protal is made available worldwide since the IPT creates en entry in the GBIFs registry pointing to the location of the dataset onto the portal. In this regard, publishing data onto the ARBIMS portal presumes familiarity with using IPT and useful guidance can be found on the GBIF's IPT user manual site here.
You can read more details on preparing and publishing data on the ARBIMS Portal here
2. Searching through biodiversity data and library materials for download
On top the simple text search capability for data and/or literature on the ARBIMS portal, set of filters has been provided to facilitate users to reach the content they need with minimum effort. You can search occurrence data for instance by dataset, family, genus, institution, basis of record, author, year, location, etc. Library materials on the other hand can be searched by using the DPSIR framework depending on whether the document has been categorized this way or by status, date of creation, folder, or per user.
3. Map-based data filtering and Webmapping
Users can filter data by zooming in to the appropriate scale on the webmapping pages and drawing a bounding box over their area of interest. The webmapping feature of the ARBMIS Portal uses a combination of modern open-source WebGIS technologies to give users the ability to query data and litterature materials in a seamless and powerful way. Users can also visualize biodiversity data in their spatial setting by selecting the appropriate map layers and export such created custom maps in PDF to be used in reports or otherwise.
4. Notifications
Registered users receive monthly summaries of new materials that have been added to the various libraries along with links to these materials through email notifications. The portal administrator can also send updates with personalized messages to subscribers.
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